Party Animals 2


Cannot have enough partying? Want to meet the cutest animals again? Sure, you do! Well, then we have something to offer. The marvelous battle royale that features adorable dogs, cats, beavers, and dragons is back. And this is the free version of the second part of Party Animals, a game you have been missing for sure! You are welcome to step on the battle arena one more time and show your skills and strengths. The reward is always amazing – something sweet and tasty, like marmalade. Yes, literally! The animals from this game are still fond of sweet treats and they are ready to kill for candies. When you win, the marmalade is yours, pall. And when you lose… well, then you are loser!

The second part of the game is a real masterpiece, as well as the first one. Here you will meet even more amazing animals to play for and compete with. New species of dogs will gladden all fans of puppies! The same is waiting for the cat lovers – you will find kitties with different fur here, so choose the one you like better. Also, there are raccoons, beavers, dinosaurs, and other pretty creatures waiting for you to pick them and lead to the arena. Now only you will find new animals to control, but also there are new locations and maps to discover. As the first part, this one is also rich for cool content and original ideas. Find new types of weapons – this time, even more dangerous and smashing! Have fun in various regimes of the game, choosing the type of competition that interests you the most. Enjoy partying, pushing, rushing, and clumsy wrestling!
The new part of Party Animals is an exclusive – we bet that you won’t find anywhere else on the web. We are the first and the fastest among all gaming platforms to provide the free version of the game to you. This one is unlimited and available online – you can launch it from your PC right away, using just a browser and nothing more. No need for software or downloads and boring installations – one click, and you are already on the arena along with thousands of game fans! The game allows you to play alone against the crowd, where everyone stands for himself/herself. Also, you are welcome to play in teams and pairs with your buddies – unite and beat some furry guys!